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10 Ways to Save Money When Buying a New Boston Home
10 Ways to Save Money When Buying a New Boston Home Although most homes for sale are resales, one out of four homebuyers purchases a new home. Which is better: existing or new? The right answer of course, is up to you. Both resales and new homes offer advantages. Existing homes are less expensive on…
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How to Stop Paying Rent and Own Your Home
How to Stop Paying Rent and Own Your Home If you’re like most renters, you feel trapped within the walls of a house or apartment that doesn’t feel like yours. How could it when you’re not even permitted to bang in a nail or two without a hassle. You feel like you’re stuck in the…
6 Costly Mistakes to Avoid Before Buying a Boston and Surrounding Area Home
6 Costly Mistakes to Avoid Before Buying a Boston and Surrounding Area Home A new report has just been released which identifies the 6 most common and costly mistakes that homebuyers make before buying a home. Mortgage regulations have changed significantly over the last few years, making your options wider than ever. Subtle changes in…
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